Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hello again

High Achiever US HistoryChristmas coming soon,just wanna  say Merry Christmas everybody.I just happy to say this is the first time i celebrate christmas with my hubby.Even i am far away with my family.But is not the  first time i did  almost many times anyway.A little bit missing with them but it doesn't matter becuase i know they  are alright there in Philippines.And i never got present eithier in my life since i was kid.I was little upset with my Ninong and Ninang but it was before and sadly to say  Ninang was died.We can see soon here if i got..

1 comment:

Sweetiepie said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! and by the way I left a message in your YM. hope to hear from you soon! once again Happy Holiday!!!