Sunday, May 15, 2011

wonderful view

Hello guys, I am not so much updated here. But I am trying that I can visit you all back.  Hope can i maintain that  every single day. I would like to share this nice picture we taken  on last Friday. We walked up in the mountain. Even though it was much of snow and I walked hardly. How you can realize this wonderful view in Norway. This was wonderful view I saw on that time. We went almost middle at the night and you know here in North Norway day and night have still light becuase summer season is coming. I would like to share here also the midnight sun soon. You can see at pictures. I sitting at the end of the stone. And it is high from the top of mountain til deep of the sea. I was afraid maybe I fall down. I scared and it is look like so deep. I think no one can be still a live if you fall down there. If you noticed we cannot see snow where i am sitting because  sun is always here and started to melting the snow. But you can see forward at the mountain so much snow and wonderful not look like a dream?