Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Advancing Oxidative Stress Technology

Have you  heard this OXIS International?This kind of product are provider for potent  antioxidant,anti-aging,glutathione,penny stocks and free radical.As you know,this engaged in the research development of sale products that counteract the harmful effects  of oxidative stress.
On this product included therapeutic nutraceutical products,cosmeceutical products and proprietary  formulation
and clinical products are internally developed on pharmacy and drug candidates.These are focusing on naturally occurring protective substances since they are likely both safe and efficacious.Occasionally,this primary  products incorporate,emphasized the multifaceted super antioxidant compound,L -Ergohioneine as a key component that cover current and planned products relevant to nutraceutical and cosmecuetical businesses.
And more details we can see here...

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