Thursday, December 18, 2008

Help me!

Hi,guys..I am a young wife that need to know more about married life.Please help me guys.I have a problem to make food or to cook food like special food.I can manage to prepared the ingredients but I am worried the taste i cannot do that.I can do that simple food,like cook rice usually this easy to make but they other i know is fried the fish,or the other food that coke easy.I want to make special food and good ingredients but how i will probably problem this taste.I cannot adjust to put the salt or the other thing to put at the food to make the taste better.Please guys help me if you have time to put some idea or comment here i will be very thankful..


Carnation said...

hi there, kumusta? found your blog through entrecard! great eh? pinay rin ako...check out my blog about recipes, food and cooking at http:// i also post some in my main blog at hope you'll visit there.

Lulu said...

hi visit my blog. I have a kitchen blog that you might want to check out...

Mouth's delight is a blog of mine where you can get idea of what to cook ... i have there pictures of dishes... ingredients and directions...

My Blogs
Bitz 'n Pieces of My Life
Mouth's Delight
Daily Snippets
Musings of Life